Asian American Coach and Therapist in NY, NJ, MA, and FL
Diana Liao, LMHC

Therapy in NY, NJ, MA, & FL;

Coaching Wherever You Are

Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In that response lies our growth and our freedom.
— Viktor Frankl

On the surface, you seem to have it all together…

You have a stable job, a great social life, maybe even a fulfilling relationship. But when you're alone, self-doubt, anxiety, and dissatisfaction creep in. You catch yourself fixating on imperfections or past mistakes, questioning your choices, comparing yourself against others', and wondering if you'll ever feel truly content. It's possible that amidst the hustle, you've lost sight of who you are, where you're headed, and why you’re working so hard. Maybe it feels really difficult to slow down, be in the moment, and enjoy your successes. And while you’re always trying to be a better partner, friend, parent, daughter or son, you feel guilty that it’s not enough.

You want to feel better, but find yourself stuck and the way forward feels unclear.

Therapy is a safe space for you to work through these challenges so that you can live with greater confidence, ease, and enjoyment. I invite you to learn more about how I can support you along this process of healing, discovery, and growth.

Not in one of the states where I practice as a therapist, and interested in coaching? Find out more about the difference between therapy and coaching.